What is a civil engineer?
“Civil engineers plan, design, develop and manage projects for the construction or repair of buildings, earth structures, powerhouses, roads, airports, railways, rapid transit facilities, bridges, tunnels, canals, dams, ports and coastal installations and systems related to highway and transportation services, water distribution and sanitation. They may also specialize in foundation analysis, building and structural inspection, surveying, geomatics and municipal planning. They are employed by engineering consulting companies, in all levels of government, by construction firms and in many other industries, or they may be self-employed” (Building Envelope Engineer in Canada | Job Description, n.d.).
When to reach out to a civil engineer?
If you are working with a GRT they will let you know when and how to work with a civil engineer or an engineering firm. Otherwise you can consult with an engineering firm at any point in the planning process.
Note: Under Bill 122 the Régie du Bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) has made building façade inspections mandatory for all buildings with 5 floors above ground and more by an engineer every five years (Façades – Entretien et inspection – Régie du bâtiment du Québec, n.d.). So you will have to work with an engineer at some point.